Erectile Dysfunction treatment
We answer common questions about Erectile Dysfunction such as:
- What is Erectile Dysfunction?
- What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
- How do doctors treat Erectile Dysfunction?
We answer common questions about Erectile Dysfunction such as:
Treatments provided in Palo Alto
The National Institute of Health (NIH) defined impotence as “the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.”
It is the result of inadequate arterial blood flow into the erection chambers (corpora cavernosa), or the inability of the chambers to prevent blood from flowing out during erection.
Erectile dysfunction has a multi-factorial etiology. This includes organic, physiologic, endocrine, and psychogenic factors. Pure psychogenic erectile dysfunction is uncommon. However, many patients with organic erectile dysfunction may also have a psychogenic component.
Inadequate blood flow can be the result of general poor health, which may be caused by medical conditions involving poor circulations such as diabetes, hardening, and narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels and many others.
Neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease result in lack of arousal and therefore no stimulation to increase blood flow. Lack of blood flow to the penis may also be caused by trauma to the genital areas, which may also cause significant loss of sensation.
Erectile Dysfunction can also be cause through a lifestyle that involves drug use, smoking, high alcoholic intake, and lack of sleep since these are all detrimental blood flow in the genital area.
The doctors and staff at RegenCore understand the sensitivity of this matter, and the privacy of our patient is always respected. Any communication regarding this must only be with the patient only. There is no exception to this rule!
Treating erectile dysfunction greatly depends on the cause for your condition. Whether your condition was caused by a medical condition or is related to age, our medical staff will provide you with the right treatment.
For all patients, including those who are unresponsive to medications (Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra), our doctors take several specific steps to ensure proper treatment is provided.
When the patient is first seen, our medical staff want to know about the patient’s general health condition, so he will take a detailed medical history and physical exam to determine if erectile dysfunction is a result of other medical conditions such as diabetes, vascular problems, or nerve problems.
We will need to determine the status of the patient’s hormone levels. Are there thyroid problems? Low levels of testosterone? We will then ensure that your blood hormone levels are normal and balanced.
Lifestyle is a significant contributor to erectile dysfunction. Smoking and drinking are lifestyle choices that can further enhance erectile dysfunction and significantly delay recovery. We will offer key lifestyle information as part of erectile dysfunction treatment.
After we determine the genuine cause of erectile dysfunction, we will determine the appropriate treatments which may consist of a shot into the penis with a high concentration of plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood containing a high concentration of growth factors. This is usually combined with a series of low-intensity shock wave treatments, along with specific supplementation to stimulate blood flow and rejuvenation to the area.
These methods have shown to be safe and effective in the treatment of ED.
More than 80% of patients will have some improvement from this treatment!
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