Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatment Center
RegenCore provides 3 types of non-surgical knee pain treatments for relieving Osteoarthritis, Meniscus Tears, old knee injuries, and more
RegenCore provides 3 types of non-surgical knee pain treatments for relieving Osteoarthritis, Meniscus Tears, old knee injuries, and more
Treatments provided in Palo Alto
Avoid potentially risky, expensive knee replacement surgery and long recovery periods.
Top modalities including real-time ultrasound for precise targeting to support tissue regeneration.
Treatments are performed in our Palo Alto facility with little or no downtime.
Nick’s knee pain was relieved after 10 weeks of regenerative medicine treatments
The protective cartilage that blankets the bones in your knees wears down over time, causing tissue around your knees to start inflaming.
A Meniscus tear occurs when the cartilage between your femur, tibia and fibula is inflamed or torn.
Tendonitis (or Tendinitis) is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon typically caused by repetitive stress to your knee(s).
At RegenCore, we offer 3 types of non-surgical knee pain treatments.
Regenerative Medicine reverses tissue damage and promotes healing with naturally-derived stem cells.
When an injury occurs, cells are released and summoned by the body to rebuild damaged muscle, joints, or cartilage. By injecting these cells directly into the damaged area, it can help assist and accelerate the body’s natural healing process.
Cells are typically taken from two areas of the body:
Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spots and joint tissues with both acute and chronic conditions such as Tendonitis and Osteoarthritis.
Shockwave Therapy uses acoustic waves to interact with tissue. This helps promote accelerated tissue repair and growth, analgesia, and mobility restoration to bones, joints, tendons and other soft tissues.
Shockwave Therapy is best used to treat chronic, sub-acute, and acute (advanced users only) conditions.
Our signature RegenCore Method involves multiple modalities for a fully custom approach, including regenerative medicine, mechanical bracing, and lifestyle adjustments (i.e diet and fitness).
Your custom treatment plan is crafted based on your unique condition.
Able to walk up and down stairs again after 6 weeks
Eradicated arthritis pain
No more knee pain and improved mobility with Regenerative Medicine
If you’re experiencing recurring or constant knee pain, contact us for a free consultation and exam to find out which knee treatment would provide you the best results.
call our office at