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As we grow old, our bodies break down. Can we build them back up again?

By June 19, 2019October 14th, 2019Uncategorized

When you’re young, you’re nothing short of invincible.

Jump off that bridge? No problem.

Try to see how fast your parents Mustang can go when you only have your learners?

“No way we’ll get caught, don’t worry!”

Soon you find out you weren’t as invincible after all.


There are repercussions to the things you do..

And that’s not bad.

Knowing there will always be an outcome, positive or negative, to the things we do we can make smarter, more informed decisions.

As we get into our “middle age” years, this becomes even more evident.

Unless you exercised regularly and ate at least mildly healthy your body starts to age dramatically.

Just look at the difference between these two “Top Gun” stars.

One made taking care of themselves a priority, the other not as much.

Sure, we can make the claim that money was a factor here.. But we all know it was actually Scientology. (Just kidding!)

Although Tom Cruise had an acting career wildly more successful than Kelly McGillis, was money really a factor here in taking care of themselves?


Not so much.

Does it cost hundreds of dollars for you to take a jog around your block?

Is it really a huge investment to grab a few dumbbells from Facebook marketplace and get in a few sets before you turn in for the night?

Staying ahead of the aging curve doesn’t have to be difficult, it’s as simple as making a few minor changes to your daily routine.


So let’s dig into these changes now.


Number 1: Get moving!

You don’t have to complete an iron man or join the cross fit games to increase your overall health.

If you’re starting from zero, go on a nightly walk after you eat dinner.

You’re used to walking now? Go on a jog. Jogging is a “walk in the park” for you now..?

Start running!

Our goal is to build a small foundation that will impact your health tremendously over the long term.


Number 2: Cut out (some) of the garbage that’s in your diet.

I’m not one to preach about eating a 100% clean diet that you never break.

Although I love clean foods and they make up 80-90 percent of my diet, don’t think I won’t buy a dozen Krispy Kremes when that “Hot Now” sign is flashing red.

The point here is again, moderation.

If you’re diet is atrocious, start by eating healthy just one meal a day,.

Don’t over-complicate it.

You’re eating healthy for one meal now?

Do it for two, then try all three.

Trust me, when the weekend comes and you’re shoving that juicy burger and fries down your throat it will be all the more gratifying.


Number 3: Avoid invasive surgeries (When possible)

Invasive surgeries can come with a slew of unwanted problems post op.

Just check out our article here on the spinal fusion procedure.

Or our article here about knee surgeries, where up to 40% of patients still experience chronic pain post op.

At times, surgery may be necessary, but have you ever thought about alternative procedures?

Stem Cell Therapy can be an amazing alternative, some patients seeing results in just 6 weeks after their procedure.

And guess what?

There’s no lying in bed for months at a time while you’re in “recovery”.

People with injured:

  • Tendons
  • Ligaments
  • Cartilage
  • Muscles
  • And Joints

Can benefit tremendously with this form of therapy.

Even those suffering from osteoarthritis, diseases, and other conditions can see massive improvements in their condition.

Adding these three steps into your life and daily routine can supercharge your health and keep your body functioning properly and pain free for years to come.

Like we said, don’t over do it.

Start small, start with tip #1.

Once you get that down, expand to the next one.

Your future self with thank you for the work you put in.

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