Can You Naturally Ramp Up Stem Cell Production In Your Body?

Bay Area Stem Cell Therapy

A question you’ll inevitably see on any blog or social media regarding stem cells is..

“How can I grow more stem cells naturally?”

It’s a valid question and one that makes sense.

If someone is considering stem cell therapy, one that involves the patient using their own stem cells it would make sense to have an abundance of them.

There are many answers to this question but we’re only going to focus on one in this article.

This answer is extremely simple, immediately actionable, and one you likely could’ve guessed.

But, that’s the beauty of it.

People take for granted simple answers.

When it comes to your health, simple answers always have the greatest effect.

The answer, to put it simply..


Add foods to your diet.

Notice, we said add foods, not take them out.

Sure, we could be one of the million articles telling you to cut out sugar but many would fail for one reason or another.

Adding healthy foods to your diet is a much easier approach.

So what foods should you add to increase stem cell production?


And, alternatively raspberries and blackberries.

These berries have an extremely dense antioxidant content. 

Not only does this help with joint pain but they’re also rich in flavonoids which reduce inflammation in the body and prevent cellular damage.




Not just broccoli, but all cruciferous vegetables.

These vegetables are rich in sulforaphane. 

Sulforaphane is a chemical that increases enzymes in your liver which work to decrease the harmful toxins we breathe. 

All cruciferous vegetables contain a molecule called indole-3-carbinol which reduces inflammatory agents in your blood.



You may know ginger as a “cure all” for an upset stomach but it also combats inflammation by reducing the effects of arachidonic acid, a necessary fat that triggers inflammation responses in the body.




Specifically shiitake and maitake mushrooms, are high in polyphenols. 

Polyphenols are nutrients known to protect your liver cells from damage by detoxifying them. 

Keeping your liver detoxified is crucial to minimizing inflammation in your body.



Not only do they have the good kinds of fats that will leave you feeling fuller for longer, they’re high in alpha-linolenic acid (an anti inflammatory omega 3 fat).


Did you notice a trend?

All of these foods are amazing for your health in their own unique ways.

But, the common factor they all have? They destroy inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is one of the biggest factors that can determine how healthy and active you feel.

From your brain to your blood, skin, joints, and organs. Inflammation can have crippling effects on your body.

This affects how efficiently your body can grow and reproduce cells.

Much like vegetables that need certain conditions in a garden to thrive, your cells need certain conditions to thrive as well.

Eating these foods will help you cultivate this environment.

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