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Is Stem Cell Therapy Right For You?

By August 11, 2019October 14th, 2019Uncategorized

Practitioners who will say anything to get you on their operating table or in their treatment center are the reason so many procedures get a bad rap, especially in the world of stem cells.

When seeking out medical advice each doctor has the responsibility to be completely and utterly honest to you when it comes to your condition.

They should let you know with confidence if they can or can’t help you.

If their procedure is the best for your condition or not.

If maybe you SHOULD pursue surgery rather than a stem cell treatment.

Medical professionals who fail to do this are the very reason misinformation and dishonesty is spread about certain medical topics.

Patients will have a terrible surgical experience and think to themselves “Man, maybe everyone was right.. I should have given stem cell treatment a try first.”

And on the other end of the spectrum, maybe a stem cell patient thinks “Wow… Those injections really did nothing for me. I wish that doctor told me my condition was too far gone, I just wasted my time and money!”

So, what are you to do?

First, seek out the advice of multiple professionals.

Getting the advice of two or three orthopedic surgeons as well as stem cell specialists can be the difference between being pain free and wasting your money.


Two, how far has your ailment progressed?

Some patients may just have a torn ligament or an eroded meniscus. 

Others could have already had a full knee replacement.

The seriousness of your condition is a big factor in figuring out what route you should take.


Three, know the consequences of each.

Both stem cell treatments and surgeries can come with side effects.

The keyword here is “can”.

Some patients encounter adverse effects, and others walk away thinking they’ve discovered a miracle.

Do your due diligence so you’re an educated patient, not just someone whose walking into a situation blind.

If you’re interested in how stem cells could benefit you, click on our “contact us” page in the top right of our site.

We’ve built our practice on honesty and transparency with our patients and will do our best to guide you in the right direction.

Whether it be stem cell treatments or orthopedic surgery.

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